Skill and Internship Seekers

Grow Faster With Our Guaranteed Internships, Extensive Support, and Training

We understand that securing an internship is only the first step toward building a successful career. Our comprehensive support extends beyond merely placing you in an internship.

Think of us as your career concierge, offering a suite of services designed to navigate and accelerate your career trajectory in competitive fields such as Private Equity, Venture Capital, Management Consulting, and more.

Grow Faster With Our Guaranteed Internships

Real Results and Financial Outcomes

Average All-In Compensation:


This figure reflects the average earnings potential for candidates securing full-time roles in competitive fields like Investment Banking, Private Equity, and Venture Capital.

Success Rate:

92% Placement within 6 Months

A significant majority of our interns transition to full-time roles shortly after their internship, underscoring the effectiveness of our comprehensive support and training.

Comprehensive Career Support Services

CV and Cover Letter Assistance:

Our experts provide personalized revisions and advice to ensure your application materials stand out.

Interview Preparation:

Specialized coaching on both behavioral and technical interview questions to fully prepare you for the hiring process.

Networking and Referrals:

Guided strategies and potential referrals to leverage our extensive network of industry professionals.

Service Fee

To provide this level of extensive support and access, Numen Partners charges a service fee. This fee is your investment into a career-defining pathway, providing you with:

  • Access to premium internships
  • Personalized career coaching
  • Entry into a prestigious network of professionals

Consider this fee an investment in your future, one that prepares you for high-caliber opportunities and substantial financial rewards in competitive financial sectors.

How We Made an Impact

Case Study 1:
Rohit – Breaking Through Visa Barriers

Rohit, an international student from India, faced significant challenges due to stringent visa requirements which often hinder non-citizens from securing long-term employment in finance.

Investment Banking

Through a strategic internship, Rohit gained essential local experience and networked with industry leaders, which not only enhanced his resume but also facilitated an H-1B visa sponsorship. Today, Rohit is a valued analyst at a top investment bank in Silicon Valley.

Case Study 2:
Emily – Overcoming Industry Gender Norms

Emily, a recent graduate in finance, found herself contending with subtle gender biases that affected her job prospects in asset management.

Asset Management

Numen Partners provided Emily with a platform to showcase her capabilities and assert her expertise through high-value projects. Her performance led to a full-time role with an asset management firm, where she continues to break ceilings and drive change.

Case Study 3:
Michael – Shifting Careers without an MBA

Michael, an experienced accountant, aimed to transition to a front-office financial role but was deterred by the high costs and time commitment required for an MBA.

Private Equity

The practical experience Michael gained during his internship equipped him with the necessary skills to transition into a lucrative private equity position, saving him nearly $200,000 in potential MBA expenses.

Case 4:
Anita – Leveraging Talent from a Non-Target School

Anita studied economics at a college not traditionally recognized by the industry, which limited her access to opportunities in wealth management.

Private Banking

Through her internship, Anita proved her mettle by contributing to high-stake projects and leveraging our mentorship programs. Her hard work and the visible impact of her contributions led to a full-time position with a prestigious wealth management firm.